Antique Boxes at the Sign of the Hygra

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Small boxes

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Reference: smccw160

Description: An unusual card case decorated with chinoiserie transfers in sharp bright colors. The figures are depicted in oriental costumes with an attempt at authenticity. This reflects the last, most informed stage of chinoiserie, when accurate representations of China had circulated in Europe. The lady sitting at the table is served tea, the beverage which associated solely with China, until the middle of the nineteenth century. (see Antique Boxes, Tea Caddies, and Society, 1700--1880 
Antigone Clarke & Joseph O'Kelly,
ISBN: 0764316885
chapters 3 and 17).  

Origin: England or Scotland

Circa: 1820

Materials: Beech wood cut on the quarter.

Size: 4"x2.55". 10x6.5cm.

Condition: Slight marks and scratches on original vernish.

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